The event is now passed ... Follow us for info on the next one!

The event is now passed ... Follow us for info on the next one!


SEPTEMBER 24th 2023

Reno, NV

Sign Up Options

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    Already subscribed to ACP Silver or Gold Membership? Great! Time to join the Battlefield for free!

  • No Strings Attached

    Register and join the battlefield for 40 bucks. This includes entry fee and Class/Team Patch.

  • Subscribe for Free Entry

    Subscribe to join the battlefield for free and start getting Patch Packs deliver to your house every even month!

Field Location

At 9:00am 9/24 we will be meeting here in the parking lot of Boardertown Casino. Look for other nerds in camo.


39.671403, -120.000765
Leaving for the field in a convoy @ 9:30am

If your late here is the Field Parking lot



Simplified Rules

For this game, you will register to choose your team and what class you would like to be.

Every player will have a provided prop that allows you to help your squad. BBs are provided along with your Team Patch!


Registering online helps guarantee your Team Placement and Props. You can show up the day of with cash but team placement will be up to the admins

Camo / Uniform

Team Camo / Uniforms are not mandatory but encouraged for team Identification. Don't let this stop you from picking which team you would like to be on.

Game Mode

In this Rush game one Force plays the Attackers (Green) who must capture each enemy Flags or Bases in order through out the field. While the Defenders (Tan) fight to drive back the invaders.

Attackers wins if they capture all the Bases under the time limit

Defenders Win if they have at lease one Base remaining before the time limit is up.

Operator Class

Assault Has defibrillators that revive down players

Support have ammo cans to refill your ammo,

Recon have a respawn beacon


Technical Vehicle(S) will be available for capture by both Attackers and Defenders. These vehicle will have designated drivers and mounted weapons. Use them for Troop transportation and fire support.


.25g bbs are provided so there's no reason to leave the A.O. Support Ops will have bags of ammo on their person, proving ammo to the team. If you use something other than .25 Gram BBs, you are allowed to carry your ammo on you but you must first find a Support Op to reload your mags, to keep in the spirit of the game.

More Info as we get closer to the Event

You won't want to miss this game; having a class adds a new challenge and excitement to the game. Register to stay up to date on Rules and additional info.