Maugrim Has Won this Fight! More to come
Maugrim Has Won this Fight! More to come 〰️
Join Us December 3rd!
5 different game modes including the title match ATOMIC DAWN! Which will decide the ultimate winner of this skirmish and who will have the upper hand in future Operations based around the 2nd Dakari War.
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No Strings Attached
Register and join the Op for 35 bucks. This includes entry fee and Team Patch. 40 for walk-ons the day of the event
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What Faction will you choose in the 2nd Dakari War?
Maugrim Colition
Though brutal and unrelenting, Maugrim eventually lost to the Dakari Forces in the Dakari Maugrim War in 2021. Hell bent on avenge itself and adopting the Motto “Ad Victoriam” or “To Victory”. Its forces believe that the ends will justify their means.
Dakari United
Dakari United formed after crushing the Maugrim Forces in the first war. It and a collection of allies only enjoyed one year of peace when skirmishes with the remade Maugrim Coalition reignited. It’s time to crush this foe before more damage can be done.
2nd Match
3rd Match
4th Match